
Green Skills for Global Change

Friday, 30 May 2014

What will tomorrow be like?

www.ruralmedia eu

www.ruralmedia eu


EL PARQUE NACIONAL DE LOS PICOS DE EUROPA COMO REFERENTE PARA EL DESARROLLO LOCAL EN EL CONTEXTO DE LA GLOBALIZACION ESTE MATERIAL PRESENTA UNA MUESTRA DE LA IDEA QUE SUBYACE EN SAN ESTEBAN DE CUÑABA ( PARTE ASTURIANA DEL PARQUE NACIONAL DE PICOS DE EUROPA ) VIDEO TEXTO , EN ESPAÑOL E INGLES, DEL VIDEO 2005 Jaime Izquierdo. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino. 11 min. 12 s. San Esteban de Cuñaba, aldea de la vertiente asturiana de Los Picos de Europa se ha enfrentado siempre a los rigores de la montaña con acierto. Este relato es un homenaje de reconocimiento a los pueblos de montaña que viven momentos de incertidumbre y despoblamiento. La relación del hombre con el medio tiene en “El castaño de San Esteban” la metáfora de la sabiduría y la sensibilidad de una afinada cultura de pastores tan desconocida como próxima, que no necesita ponerle el prefico eco a su forma de entender la vida. The chesnut of San Esteban 2005. 11 min. 12 sec. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND RURAL AND MARINE AFFAIRS. San Esteban de Cuñaba, a village on the Asturian face of the Picos de Europa range, has always successfully faced the rigors of being in the mountains. This story is a homage of recognition to those mountain villages that live times of uncertainty and depopulation. The relationship between mankind and the environment embraces in “El Castaño de San Esteban” the metaphor of wisdom and the sensibility of a fine shepherd’s culture, as unknown as it is near, that does not need to add the prefix “eco” to its way of understanding life. Le châtaignier de San Andrés 2005. 11 minutes 12 secondes. MINISTÈRE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT, DES MILIEXUS RURAL ET MARIN. San Esteban de Cuñaba, petite bourgade nichée sur le versant asturien des Picos de Europa, a toujours su faire face aux rigueurs de la montagne. Ce récit rend hommage aux peuples de la montagne, qui vivent des moments d’incertitude et de dépeuplement. La relation entre l’homme et son environnement s’exprime dans « Le châtaignier de San Esteban » comme la métaphore de la sagesse et de la sensibilité d’une culture subtile, celle des bergers, aussi méconnue que proche, et dont la conception de la vie est intrinsèquement « éco ».

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


SREDNJA ŠOLA ČRNOMELJ COMENIUS MEETING SLOVENIA GREEN SKILLS FOR A GLOBAL CHANGE 21st to 25th May 2014 Country ARRIVAL (21.5) Airport Zagreb DEPARTURE (25.5) Airport Zagreb Portugal 12.45 15.05 Spain 12.40 16.50 Netherlands 13.15 8.25 France 19.20 8.25 Turkey 19.20 Denmark 19.25 8.45 MEETING PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY (see arrival table) Arrival of participants 18.00 Welcome and Meeting 1 19.00 Dinner at Hotel Bela Krajina THURSDAY 7.30 Departure to Ljublana 9.30 – 10.30 Guided sightseeing of Ljubljana 10. 30 – 11.45 Free time 12.00 Departure from Ljubljane 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch 15.00 - 19.00 Sighteeng fish farm, salt works and coastal town Piran 19.30 Departure from Piran PETEK 8.20 – 9.05 Arrival to school, presentation of the programme 9.10 – 9. 55 Presenation of partner schools / CLIL lessons 9.55 -10.25 Coffee break 10. 25 – 11.30 Debate on pros and cons of the use of wind energy 12. 00 - 13.00 Meeting 2- evaluation of the work done so far,project web page, tasks 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch at school cafeteria 14.00- 14.45 Presenation of school systems for teachers of our school) 15.00 – 16.00 Sightseeing Črnomelj 19.15 Dinner at local farm SATURDAY 8.30 Departure from hotel 9.00 – 10. 00 Meeting 3 (evaluation, planning FR, TR meeting) 10. 00 – 12. 00 Workshops 13.00 – 14. 30 Lunch 15.00 – 16. 00 Visit to a local goat cheese producer 19. 00 – 23.00 Dinner and farewell party at M klub Muller SUNDAY (see departure table) Departure of participants


To watch all students and teachers presentations for the Slovenian Meeting, pick on the link of e-twinning site for this Comenius Project Or you can watch it also on the official web site of the Project here


OUR COMENIUS INTERNATIONAL TEAM ORGANIZED - WITH A GREAT LEVEL AND REAL SUCCESS- THE SECOND MEETING. Students and teachers coming from France ( Ile La Reunion ), Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Turkey and the hosting country , Slovenia.

Our School from Eliseo Rabadan Fernandez on Vimeo.

comenius from Eliseo Rabadan Fernandez on Vimeo.

OUR HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTATION from Eliseo Rabadan Fernandez on Vimeo.